Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sheila!

The girls sang a song for you, Sheila. Here is the link to the video (its the last one):


Yesterday I did a photoshoot with Matiz, Toscana's new sister. Matiz was born on August 2nd, three months ago. Toscana and Sophia know each other from Wawasi and they get along great.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Thalia and I before the parade (another view)

Here you see Thalia in the reflection, watching all the kids dance at the Halloween party right before the big parade. I like this photo because you can see how she is with me when I drop her off. It still takes her awhile to get used to being in the classroom, but by the time I pick her up at the end of the day, she is all smiles and loves to show me around the play yard and classroom. Today was a big day for her: she pushed me out the door and didn't cry when I left. Another mom who was there when I left told me that Thalia looked very proud of herself after she pushed me out the door.

Photoshoot with Connor

Mason and Leila

This is Mason looking up at us from downstairs at Ronan's house just before Trick or Treating. He is Thalia's age and is so cute. The bottom photo shows Sophia carving pumpkins with her friend, Leila. The middle photo shows a very proud Thalia. She loves her costume so much.

Thalia and I before the parade

The Duckling classroom had a little party before the Halloween parade. Here is a photo that one of the teacher's took.

Trick or Treating with Ronan and Garrett

We all met at Ronan and Garrett's house for pizza and trick or treating. Their cousins, Mason, Charlie and Colin were there, too.

Halloween last year and this year

This photo of Thalia as a pumpkin was taken only one year ago. Now they are the same height!